
5–6 CLI Commands
Changing the CLI Prompt
You can change the CLI prompt that displays. Use the SET THIS_CONTROLLER
PROMPT command. Enter a 1- to 16- character string as the new prompt. For
example, you could use the prompt to indicate the array controller’s name, such as
Command Syntax
Commands to the controller must use the following command structure:
Command. A word or phrase expressed as a verb that is used to instruct the
controller what to do. Every CLI command begins with a command. Commands
are represented in this manual in capitalized form.
Parameter. When required in the command, one or more words or phrases that
supply necessary information to support the action of the command. Not all CLI
commands require parameters. the parts of parameters that have to be entered as
predefined text are in uppercase italics and the variables are in lower-case
italicized text.
Switches. An optional word or phrase that modifies the command. Not all CLI
commands require switches. Switches are represented in this manual as
capitalized, italicized text.