
Compaq HSZ80 Array Controller ACS Version 8.3 Configuration and CLI Reference Guide
As soon as the POWEROFF command is entered, all disk units in the cabinet are set
to write-through. When the time interval, as represented by nn seconds, has elapsed,
an orderly rundown of all units is started. When all units in the cabinet are
successfully rundown, cabinet power is turned off.
Table 5–4 shows what action will be taken depending on the switch settings and the
results of the attempted flush:
CAUTION: If the BATTERY_OFF switch is used with the
OVERRIDE_BAD_FLUSH switch, unwritten data could be lost. Do not
power off the subsystem until the unwritten data has been recovered.
Table 5–4 Poweroff Switch Settings
Override Switch Flush
BATTERY_ON OVERRIDE_BAD_FLUSH Success Controller and units in the cabinet are
shutdown and the ECB is powering the
cache module.
BATTERY_ON OVERRIDE_BAD_FLUSH Failure Controller and units in the cabinet are
shutdown and the ECB is powering the
cache module.
BATTERY_ON NO_OVERRIDE_BAD_FLUSH Success Controller and units in the cabinet are
shutdown and the ECB is powering the
cache module.
BATTERY_ON NO_OVERRIDE_BAD_FLUSH Failure Nothing is shutdown, the ECB is powering
the cache module, and the user is notified
of a bad flush.