Compaq HSZ80 Array Controller ACS Version 8.3 Configuration and CLI Reference Guide
MB/s Megabytes per second. Approximately one million (10
) bytes per second.
An EIA-423-compatible terminal used with the controller. This terminal is
used to identify the controller, enable host paths, enter configuration
information, and check the controller’s status. The maintenance terminal is
not required for normal operations. See also local terminal.
member A container that is a storage element in a RAID array.
metadata The data written to a disk for the purposes of controller administration.
Metadata improves error detection and media defect management for the
disk drive. It is also used to support storageset configuration and
partitioning. Nontransportable disks also contain metadata to indicate they
are uniquely configured for StorageWorks environments. Metadata can be
thought of as “data about data.”
mirrored write-back
A method of caching data that maintains two copies of the cached data. The
copy is available if either cache module fails.
mirroring The act of creating an exact copy or image of data.
mirrorset See RAID level 1.
MIST Module Integrity Self-Test.
network A data communication, a configuration in which two or more terminals or
devices are connected to enable information transfer.
The desired number of mirrorset members when the mirrorset is fully
populated with active devices. If a member is removed from a mirrorset, the
actual number of members may fall below the “nominal” membership.
(1) A single controller configuration. (2) A controller configuration that does
not include a second controller.