Compaq HSZ80 Array Controller ACS Version 8.3 Configuration and CLI Reference Guide
parity check A method of detecting errors when data is sent over a communications line.
With even parity, the number of ones in a set of binary data should be even.
With odd parity, the number of ones should be odd.
PCM Polycenter Console Manager.
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card Industry Association. An international
association formed to promote a common standard for PC card-based
peripherals to be plugged into notebook computers. The card commonly
known as a PCMCIA card is about the size of a credit card.
parity bit A binary digit added to a group of bits that checks to see if there are errors in
the transmission.
parity RAID See RAIDset.
partition A logical division of a container, represented to the host as a logical unit.
peripheral device Any unit, distinct from the CPU and physical memory, that can provide the
system with input or accept any output from it. Terminals, printers, tape
drives, and disks are peripheral devices.
port (1) In general terms, a logical channel in a communications system. (2) The
hardware and software used to connect a host controller to a communications
bus, such as a SCSI bus or serial bus.
Regarding the controller, the port is (1) the logical route for data in and out
of a controller that can contain one or more channels, all of which contain
the same type of data. (2) The hardware and software that connects a
controller to a SCSI device.
primary cabinet The primary cabinet is the subsystem enclosure that contains the controllers,
cache modules, external cache batteries, and the PVA module.
program card The PCMCIA card containing the controller’s operating software.