GVRP Commands 323
— Indicates the time in centiseconds that the device waits before
leaving its GARP state.
— Used to confirm the port within the VLAN. The time is the
interval between messages sent, measured in centiseconds.
timer_value —
Timer values in centiseconds. The range is 10-100 for
20-600 for
, and 200-6000 for
Default Configuration
The default timer values are as follows:
• Join timer — 20 centiseconds
• Leave timer — 60 centiseconds
• Leaveall timer — 1000 centiseconds
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, Port-Channel) mode
User Guidelines
The following
for the various timer values must be maintained:
• Leave time must be greater than or equal to three times the join time.
• Leaveall time must be greater than the leave time.
Set the same GARP timer values on all Layer 2-connected devices. If the
GARP timers are set differently on Layer 2-connected devices, the GARP
application will not operate successfully.
setting must be a multiple of 10.
The following example sets the leave timer for port 1/g8 to 90 centiseconds.
console (config)# interface ethernet 1/g8
console (config-if-1/g8)# garp timer leave 90