DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The DHCPv6 Server commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters)
in the following table.
Command Parameters
create dhcpv6 pool <pool_name 12>
delete dhcpv6 pool [<pool_name 12> | all]
show dhcpv6 pool {<pool_name 12>}
config dhcpv6 pool ipv6network_addr <pool_name 12> begin < ipv6networkaddr> end <ipv6networkaddr>
config dhcpv6 pool domain_name <pool_name 12> <domain_name 255>
config dhcpv6 pool dns_server <pool_name 12> <ipv6addr> {<ipv6addr>}
config dhcpv6 pool lifetime <pool_name 12> preferred_lifetime <sec 60-4294967295> valid_lifetime <sec
config dhcpv6 pool manual_binding <pool_name 12> [add <ipv6addr > client_duid <string 28> | delete [<ipv6addr > |
all] ]
show dhcpv6 manual_binding {<pool_name 12>}
show dhcpv6 binding {<pool_name 12>}
clear dhcpv6 binding {<pool_name 12>}
enable dhcpv6_server
disable dhcpv6_server
show dhcpv6_server
config dhcpv6 pool excluded_address <pool_name 12> [ add begin < ipv6addr> end < ipv6addr > | delete [ begin <
ipv6addr> end < ipv6addr> | all]]
show dhcpv6 excluded_address {<pool_name 12>}
config dhcpv6_server ipif <ipif_name 12> state [enable | disable]
debug dhcpv6_server state [enable | disable]
debug dhcpv6_server packet {all | receiving | sending} state [enable | disable]
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
create dhcpv6 pool
Purpose This command is used to create a DHCPv6 pool.
create dhcpv6 pool <pool_name 12>
Description This command is used to create a DHCPv6 pool for the DHCPv6 server.
<pool_name 12> - Enter a name of up to 12 alphanumeric characters to identify the pool to
be created with this command.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.