DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The IP Route Filter commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in
the following table.
Command Parameters
create ip prefix_list <list_name 16>
config ip prefix_list <list_name 16> [[add | delete] {sequence <value 1-65535 >} <network_address>
{ge <value 1-32>}{le <value 1-32>}[deny | permit]|[description <desc 80> |
delete ip prefix_list [list_name <list_name 16> | all]
show ip prefix_list {<list_name 16>}
create ip standard access_list <list_name 16>
config ip standard access_list <list_name 16> [add | delete] <network_address> [deny | permit]
delete ip standard access_list [list_name <list_name 16> | all]
show ip standard access_list {<list_name 16>}
clear ip prefix_list counter [list_name <list_name 16> {<network_address>} | all]
create route_map <map_name 16>
delete route_map [map_name <map_name 16>{all_sequence} | all]
show route_map {<map_name 16>}
config route_map <map_name 16> [add | delete] sequence <value 1-65535 > {[deny | permit]}
config route_map <map_name 16> sequence <value 1-65535> match [add | delete] [as_path
<list_name 16 > | community_list <list_name 16> {exact} | ip address <list_name
16> | ip address prefix_list <list_name 16> | ip next_hop <list_name 16> | ip
next_hop prefix_list <list_name 16> | metric <value 0-4294967294>]
config route_map <map_name 16> sequence <value 1-65535> set [add | delete] [next_hop
[<ipaddr> | peer_address ] | metric < uint 0-4294967295> | local_preference <
uint 0-4294967295> | weight <value 0-65535> | as_path <aspath_list> |
community {< communit_set 80 > | internet | no_export | no_advertise | local_as}
{additive} | origin[egp | igp | incomplete] | dampening <min 1-45> <value 1-
20000> <value 1-20000><min 1-255> <min 1-45>]
debug routefilter show [prefix_list | access_list | route_map]
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
create ip prefix_list
Purpose This command is used to create a prefix list.
create ip prefix_list <list_name 16>
Description The create ip prefix_list command creates an IP prefix list, which can be further applied to
routes as a filter list.
<list_name 16> - The name to identify the prefix list.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.