D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 233
Defaults: Global RADIUS parameters have the following default values:
• deadtime—0 (zero) minutes (The switch does not designate unresponsive RADIUS
servers as unavailable.)
• encrypted-key—No key
• key—No key
• retransmit—3 (the total number of attempts, including the first attempt)
• timeout—5 seconds
Access: Enabled.
Usage: You can specify only one parameter per command line.
Examples: The following commands sets the dead time to 5 minutes, the RADIUS key to goody,
the number of retransmissions to 1, and the timeout to 21 seconds on all RADIUS servers
connected to the switch:
DWS-1008# set radius deadtime 5
success: change accepted.
DWS-1008# set radius key goody
success: change accepted.
DWS-1008# set radius retransmit 1
success: change accepted.
DWS-1008# set radius timeout 21
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear radius server
• set radius server
• show aaa