D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 50
Examples: The following command sets the port speed on ports 1, 3 through 5, and 8 to 10
Mbps and sets the operating mode to full-duplex:
DWS-1008# set port speed 1,3-5,8 10
set port trap
Enables or disables Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) linkup and linkdown traps
on an individual port.
Syntax: set port trap port-list {enable | disable}
Defaults: SNMP linkup and linkdown traps are disabled by default.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: The set port trap command overrides the global setting of the set snmp trap
The set port type command does not affect the global trap information displayed by the show
snmp configuration command. For example, if you globally enable linkup and linkdown traps
but then disable the traps on a single port, the show snmp configuration command still
indicates that the traps are globally enabled.
Examples: The following command enables SNMP linkup and linkdown traps on
ports 5 and 6:
DWS-1008# set port trap 5-6 enable
See Also:
• set ip snmp server
• set snmp community
• set snmp trap
• set snmp trap receiver
List of physical ports.
Enables the Telnet server.
Disables the Telnet server.