D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 516
Changes parameters in the currently active boot profile.
Syntax: change
Defaults: The default boot type is c (compact flash). The default filename is default. The default
flags setting is 0x00000000 (all flags disabled) and the default options list is run=nos;boot=0. The
default device setting is the boot partition specified by the most recent set boot partition command
typed at the Enabled level of the CLI, or boot 0 if the command has never been typed.
Access: Boot prompt.
Usage: After you type the change command, the system interactively displays the current setting
of each parameter and prompts you for the new setting. When prompted, type the new setting,
press Enter to accept the current setting, or type . (period) to change the setting to its default
value. To back up to the previous parameter, type - (hyphen).
Examples: The following command enters the configuration mode for the currently active
boot profile, changes the device to boot1, and leaves the other parameters with their current
boot> change
Changing the default configuration is not recommended.
Are you sure that you want to proceed? (y/n)y
DEVICE: [boot0:]boot1
FILENAME: [default]
FLAGS: [0x00000000]
OPTIONS: [run=nos;boot=0]
The following command enters the configuration mode for the currently active boot profile and
configures the switch to boot using a TFTP server:
boot> change
Changing the default configuration is not recommended.
Are you sure that you want to proceed? (y/n)y
BOOT TYPE: [c]> n
DEVICE: [boot0:]> emac1
FILENAME: [default]> bootfile
HOST IP: []>
IP MASK: []>
FLAGS: [0x00000000]>
OPTIONS: [run=nos;boot=0]>