D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 421
show radio-profile
Displays radio profile information.
Syntax: show radio-profile {name | ?}
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: MSS contains a default radio profile. D-Link recommends that you do not change this
profile but instead keep the profile for reference.
Examples: The following command shows radio profile information for the default radio profile:
DWS-1008# show radio-profile default
Displays information about the named radio profile.
Displays a list of radio profiles.
Field Description
Beacon Interval
Rate (in milliseconds) at which each AP radio in the profile advertises the
beaconed SSID.
DTIM Interval
Number of times after every beacon that each AP radio in the radio profile sends
a delivery traffic indication map (DTIM).
Max Tx Lifetime
Number of milliseconds that a frame received by a radio in the radio profile can
remain in buffer memory.
Max Rx Lifetime
Number of milliseconds that a frame scheduled to be transmitted by a radio in
the radio profile can remain in buffer memory.
The following table describes the fields in the display:
Beacon Interval: 100 DTIM Interval: 1
Max Tx Lifetime: 2000 Max Rx Lifetime: 2000
RTS Threshold: 2346 Frag Threshold: 2346
Long Preamble: no Tune Channel: yes
Tune Power: no Tune Channel Interval: 3600
Tune Power Interval: 600 Power ramp interval: 60
Channel Holddown: 300 Countermeasures: none
Active-Scan: yes RFID enabled: no
WMM Powersave: no QoS Mode: wmm
No service profiles configured.