D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 295
load config
Caution: This command completely removes the running configuration and replaces it with the
configuration contained in the file. D-Link recommends that you save a copy of the current running
configuration to a backup configuration file before loading a new configuration.
Loads configuration commands from a file and replaces the switch’s running configuration with
the commands in the loaded file.
Syntax: load config [url]
url Filename. Specify between 1 and 128 alphanumeric characters,
with no spaces.
If the file is in a subdirectory, specify the subdirectory name,
followed by a forward slash, in front of the filename. For example:
Defaults: The default file location is nonvolatile storage.
Note: The current version supports loading a configuration file only from the switch’s nonvolatile
storage. You cannot load a configuration file directly from a TFTP server.
If you do not specify a filename, MSS uses the same configuration filename that was used for
the previous configuration load. For example, if the switch used configuration for the most recent
configuration load, MSS uses configuration again unless you specify a different filename. To
display the filename of the configuration file MSS loaded during the last reboot, use the show
boot command.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: This command completely replaces the running configuration with the configuration in
the file.
Examples: The following command reloads the configuration from the most recently loaded
configuration file:
DWS-1008# load config
Reloading configuration may result in lost of connectivity, do you wish to continue? (y/n) [n]y
success: Configuration reloaded
The following command loads configuration file testconfig1:
DWS-1008# load config testconfig1
Reloading configuration may result in lost of connectivity, do you wish to continue? (y/n) [n]y
success: Configuration reloaded
See Also:
• save config
• show boot
• show config