D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 442
show spantree backbonefast
Indicates whether the STP backbone fast convergence feature is enabled or disabled.
Syntax: show spantree backbonefast
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: The following example shows the command output on a switch with backbone fast
convergence enabled:
DWS-1008# show spantree backbonefast
Backbonefast is enabled
See Also:
• set spantree backbonefast
show spantree blockedports
Lists information about switch ports that STP has blocked on one or all of its VLANs.
Syntax: show spantree blockedports [vlan vlan-id]
vlan vlan-id VLAN name or number. If you do not specify a VLAN, MSS displays information
for blocked ports on all VLANs.
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Usage: The command lists information separately for each VLAN.
Examples: The following command shows information about blocked ports on a switch for the
default VLAN (VLAN 1):
DWS-1008# show spantree blockedports vlan default
Port Vlan Port-State Cost Prio Portfast
6 190 Blocking 4 128 Disabled
Number of blocked ports (segments) in VLAN 1 : 1
The port information is the same as the information displayed by the show spantree command.
See Also:
• show spantree