D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 291
Caution: MSS does not prompt you to verify whether you want to delete a file. When you press
Enter after typing a delete command, MSS immediately deletes the specified file.
Note: MSS does not allow you to delete the currently running software image file or the running
Syntax: delete url
url Filename. Specify between 1 and 128 alphanumeric characters, with
no spaces.
If the file is in a subdirectory, specify the subdirectory name, followed
by a forward slash, in front of the filename.
For example: subdir_a/file_a.
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: You might want to copy the file to a TFTP server as a backup before deleting the file.
Examples: The following commands copy file testconfig to a TFTP server and delete the file from
nonvolatile storage:
DWS-1008# copy testconfig tftp://
success: sent 365 bytes in 0.401 seconds [ 910 bytes/sec]
DWS-1008# delete testconfig
success: file deleted.
Examples: The following command deletes file dang_doc from subdirectory dang:
DWS-1008# delete dang/dang_doc
success: file deleted.
See Also:
• copy
• dir