
3 C2657M-A (7/08)
Press the power button located on the right front side of the DVR5100. The Pelco logo turns blue when power is applied.
During startup, the DVR5100 reads configuration files from the flash card, and then copies them to a protected partition on the hard disk drives.
This mirroring of the operating system drive is a critical aspect of the reliability designed into the DVR5100. Once turned on, the two databases
are synchronized regularly. If a hard disk drive failure occurs, this synchronization ensures that the system can recover quickly and efficiently by
replacing the failed drive. The startup time is extended as a result of the database synchronization.
The DVR5100 front panel control pad contains four color-lit function buttons (refer to Figure 1).
Figure 1. Control Pad Color-Coded Function Buttons
The lights of the control pad cycle through various color combinations during the startup process. Once complete, the blue and red function
buttons are steady. At this point, you can either log on to the unit or change the output monitor configuration.
Changing the Monitor Configuration
The default DVR5100 monitor configuration is VGA. You should see the login prompt if you are using a VGA monitor. To use a composite or
S-Video monitor, change the output mode as follows:
Press Menu .
Press the yellow function button for NTSC or the green function button for PAL.
The unit will restart in a composite monitor output mode.
Figure 2 shows the monitor selection label that is positioned on the top rear of the DVR5100.
Figure 2. Monitor Selection Label
NOTE: The first time you start the DVR5100, the system automatically starts a 60-second counter. This feature allows the system to
automatically log on a designated user each time the DVR is restarted (for example, after a power failure or when the unit is restarted for any
reason). You can enable or disable the autologin feature, select a different default user to log on, and change the default countdown timer from
the General System setup menu. The admin user ID is the default setting (refer to Figure 3).
Figure 3. Autologin Dialog Box