ENWW Printing on special and custom-size media 29
Printing on special and custom-size media
This section provides information on how to print on media such as envelopes, photo paper,
postcards, and transparencies, as well as custom-size media.
To print on special media (Windows)
1 Load the appropriate media. See Loading media.
2 With a document open, on the File menu, click Print, and then click Setup or Properties.
3 Click the Paper/Quality tab.
4 Select the media type from the Type is drop-down list.
5 Select the media size from the Size is drop-down list.
Click Custom, enter the dimensions of the media, and click OK.
6 Select the tray in which the media is loaded from the source is drop-down list.
7 Change any other desired settings and click OK.
8 Print your document.
To print on special media (Mac OS)
1 Load the appropriate media. See Loading media.
2 On the File menu, click Page Setup.
3 Select the media size.
4 To set a custom media size, complete the following steps:
a Click Custom Paper Size in the Settings pull-down menu.
b Click New, and then type a name for the size in the Paper Size Name box.
c In the Width and Height boxes, type the dimensions and set the margins.
d Click Done or OK.
5 On the File menu, click Print.
6 Open the Color panel.
7 Click the Paper tab and select the media type.
8 Change any other desired settings and click Print.