
94 B - Support and warranty ENWW
HP Inkjet Supplies - Warranty Quick Reference
Note This information is intended to be an easy-to-read summary of the full HP warranty statement.
To read the full warranty statement, go to www.hp.com/support/inkjet_warranty and select
your supply.
Is your product covered under warranty?
If you believe your ink supply or printhead is defective, you may return it for a refund or
replacement provided that ALL of the following are true:
z Ink supply: It is not out of ink.
z Printhead: It has not exceeded its warranted usage:
Black printhead: 530 ml
Color printhead: 200 ml
Note To determine the volume of ink that has passed through the printhead currently installed in
your printer, see “Accumulated ink usage (ml)” located under the “Printhead Status” section
of the configuration page.
z Ink supply: It has not been refilled, remanufactured, or otherwise tampered with.
z Printhead or ink supply: Its “end of warranty” date has not passed. Look at the illustration
below to find the date location for your product.
End of warranty date locations
Date format: YYYYMMDD
Install-By Date
Make sure to install your product before the install-by date printed on the supply package.
Installing before or on the install-by date ensures that you will have at least the following
before the end-of-warranty date:
Printhead: one year (subject to accumulated ink usage limit)
Ink supply: six months
Figure 1: New printheads Figure 2: Older printheads Figure 3: Ink supplies