
ENWW Configuring the printer (Mac OS) 45
To share among computers with the same operating system
Use the following steps to share the printer among Macintosh computers with the same
operating system:
1 Turn on printer sharing on the computer that is connected to the printer (the host).
Mac OS X (10.2.x and later): Open System Preferences, click Sharing,
click Services, and then select the Printer Sharing check box.
2 To print from the other Macintosh computers (the clients) on the network, preselect the
printer in USB Printer Sharing (Mac OS 9, version 9.1 and later) or Sharing (Mac OS X,
version 10.2.x and later). Then, choose the neighborhood where the printer is shared and
select the printer.
3 To print from the other Macintosh computers (the clients) on the network, preselect the
printer in Sharing. Then, choose the neighborhood where the printer is shared and select
the printer.
To share among computers with different operating systems
Use the following steps to share with Mac OS 9 (9.1 and later) computers when the host
computer is running the Mac OS X (10.1.5 and later).
Note Printers connected using USB cables can only be shared between the Mac OS 9 (9.1 and
later) and the Mac OS X (10.1.5 and later) through the Classic environment in the Mac OS X.
1 On the Mac OS X (10.1.5 and later) host computer, open System Preferences,
make sure that printer sharing is off, and then quit System Preferences.
2 Locate the Mac OS 9 (9.1 and later) System Folder, open Control Panel, and then
open USB Printer Sharing. (If the Classic environment is not already running, it starts.)
3 Click the Start/Stop tab, and then click Start.
4 When USB Printer Sharing On appears, click the My Printers tab.
5 Select the check box next to the device that you want to share.
6 Close the control panel.