Chapter 6 - Parameter description [FU1]
FU1-38: Output Voltage Adjustment
This function is used to adjust the output voltage of the
inverter. This is useful when using a motor with a lower
rated voltage than the main input voltage. When this is set
at 100%, inverter outputs its rated voltage.
Note: The inverter output voltage does not
exceed the main input voltage, even though FU1-
38 is set at 110%.
FU1-39: Energy Save Level
This function is used to reduce the output voltage in
applications that do not require high torque and current at
its steady speed. The inverter reduces its output voltage
after accelerating to the reference frequency (steady
speed) if the energy save level is set at 20%. This function
may cause over-current trip due to the lack of output
torque in a fluctuating load.
This function does not work with 0% set point value.
[When Energy Save Level is set at 20%]
Note: This function is not recommended for a large load or
for an application that need frequent acceleration and
☞ Note: This function does not work when ‘Sensorless’ is
selected in FU2-40 [Control Mode].
FU1-50: Electronic Thermal (Motor i
t) Selection
FU1-51: Electronic Thermal Level for 1 Minute
FU1-52: Electronic Thermal Level for Continuous
FU1-53: Electronic Thermal Characteristic (Motor
type) selection
These functions are to protect the motor from overheating
without using additional thermal overload relay. Inverter
calculates the temperature rising of the motor using
several parameters and determines whether or not the
motor is overheated. Inverter will turn off its output and
display a trip message when the electronic thermal feature
is activated.
This function activates the ETH parameters by setting
This is the reference current when the inverter determines
Related Functions: FU1-21 [Base Frequency]
FU1-22 [Starting Frequency]
FU1-29 [Volts/Hz Pattern]
Volt control
38 100.0 %
100 38
Factory Default: 100.0 % 100
Output Voltage
FU1-21 [Base Freq]
When set at 50%
Energy save
39 0 %
0 39
Factory Default: 0 % 0
Output Voltage
Reference Frequency
(Steady Speed)
ETH select
50 --- No ---
0 50
Factory Default: No 0
ETH 1min
51 150 %
150 51
Factory Default: 150 % 150