Chapter 4 – Function Settings
Before selecting Vector control mode, encoder setting should be done as indicated above. If the parameter value of actual
motor is set in common setting, execute Auto-tuning before selecting vector control mode.
Parameter Name Code Description
Control Mode Selection FU2-39 Select Vector_SPD or Vector_TRQ
Forward/ Reverse
Torque Limit
EXT-27, EXT-28
Setting the FWD/REV limit to the torque current
P-Gain/ I-Gain for
(Sensored) Vector_SPD
EXT-25, EXT-26 Setting P/I Gain for Vector_SPD control
Speed Limit setting
EXT-50, EXT-51
EXT-52, EXT-53
Setting speed limit for Vector_TRQ
Zero Speed Detection
Level/ Bandwidth
EXT-54, EXT-55
Setting on/off of Multi-function output terminal relay when
the motor speed reaches to 0.
Torque Detection
EXT-56, EXT-57 Detect certain level/bandwidth of Torque
4.1.2 Advanced function 1 setting
SV-ACtionMaster inverter features advanced function parameters to maximize efficiency and performance of the motor. It is
recommended to use as factory setting unless parameter value change is necessary.
1) V/F control
Parameter Name Code Description
V/F Pattern FU1-29
Use it according to load characteristics. If User V/F is
selected, User can select the optimum output V/F
characteristic for the aplication and load characteristics in
Dwell operation
Used to output torque in an intended direction. Inverter
stops acceleration for the preset [FU2-08] Dwell time
while running at Dwell frequency [FU2-07] and starts
acceleration at commanded frequency. Setting [FU2-08]
Dwell time to 0 disable the Dwell operation.
Frequency jump
When it is desired to avoid resonance attributable to the
natural frequency of a mechanical system, these
parameters allow resonant frequencis to be jumped. Up to
three areas can be set, with the jump frequencies set to
either the top or bottom point of each area. To enable the
function, set [FU2-10] to ‘Yes’ and set the value in [FU2-
11]~[ FU2-16].
S-shaped curve
Accel/Decel pattern
FU2-17/ FU2-18
This pattern has an effect on the prevention of cargo
collapse on conveyor etc and reduction in an acceleration/
deceleration shock.