Chapter 6 - Parameter Description [DRV]
Output Phase Loss
Phase Open
Inverter Over-Load
Inv. OLT
Note: There are WDOG error, EEP error, and ADC Offset
for the inverter Hardware Fault - the inverter will not reset
when H/W fault occurs. Repair the fault before turning on
the power.
☞ Note: Only the highest-level fault will be displayed when
multiple faults occur.
DRV-13: Motor Direction Set (7-Segment Keypad)
This code sets the motor direction when using the 7-
Segment keypad.
7-Segment Display Description
0 Run to forward direction
1 Run to reverse direction
DRV-14: Command/Output Frequency Display
(LCD Keypad)
This code shows the Command (Target) Frequency set in
DRV00 and inverter Output Frequency.
DRV-15: Reference/Feedback Frequency Display
(LCD Keypad)
This code shows the Reference Frequency and Feedback
Frequency while PID operation.
This code appears only when ‘PID’ is selected in FU2-47.
DRV-16: Hz/Rpm Display
Set this parameter to 0 [Hz] to display frequency, or to 1[Rpm] to
display speed Ralated code
DRV-20: FU1 Group Selection (7-Segment keypad)
DRV-21: FU2 Group Selection (7-Segment keypad)
DRV-22: I/O Group Selection (7-Segment keypad)
DRV-23: EXT Group Selection (7-Segment keypad)
DRV-24: COM Group Selection (7-Segment
DRV-25: APP Group Selection (7-Segment
Select the desired group and press the PROG/ENT key to
move into the desired group. The parameter in the group
can be read and written after moving into the desired
Related Functions: FU2-01 to FU2-05 [Previous Fault History]
FU2-06 [Erase Fault History]
FU2-01 to FU2-05: There are up to 5 faults saved.
FU2-06: Erases the faults saved in FU2-01 to FU2-05.
0 13
Factory Default: 0
TAR 0.00Hz
OUT 0.00Hz
Factory Default: 0.00Hz
REF 0.00Hz
FBK 0.00Hz
Factory Default: 0.00Hz
Related Functions: Changing the Hz/Rpm display affects the
following parameter display.
DRV-00, 05, 06, 07, 14
FU1-20, 21,22, 24, 25, 32
I/O-03, 05, 08, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 42, 43
EXT-08, 10
12 None
nOn 12
Factory Default: None nOn