Chapter 4 – Function Settings
3) V/F + PG control
If FU2-39 [control mode] is set to V/F with PG (encoder) feedback using SUB-B or SUB-D boards, the control type is
automatically changed to V/F + PG. The following parameters should be set accordingly to enable PG feedback using SUB-
B or SUB-D boards.
Parameter Name Code Description
Usage of Pulse Input
Defines the use of pulse input signal with SUB-B or SUB-
D mounted. This parameter should be set to 1 {Feed-
Pulse Input Signal
Three types of input signal settable;
(A+B), A, -(A+B)
Encoder Pulse
EXT-16 Defines the number of encoders of the motor.
P-Gain for ‘Sub-B’
I-Gain for ‘Sub-B’
EXT-22, EXT-23 PI gains for PI controller during PG operation
Slip Frequency for
‘Sub-B’ Board
EXT-24 Setting as a percent of FU2-32 [Rated Motor Slip]
4) Slip compensation
operation is done via Slip compensation if FU2-39 is set to 1 {Slip compen}. This control keeps motor speed constant
regardless of load change.
5) Auto-tuning of motor constant
This parameter enables auto-tuning of the motor constants. If set to 1 {All mode}, tuning type varies according to what
control mode is set in [FU2-39]. Auto-tuning can be done in two ways – one is motor non-rotation mode, the other is motor
rotation mode.
① Auto-tuning by non-rotation mode: Rs+Lsigma
② Auto-tuning by rotation mode : All, Enc Test, Tr
Before performing Auto-tuning, set motor rating, motor parameter in common setting and select the desired
control mode in FU2-39 [control mode selection]. However, when auto-tuning parameters related to encoder, detail
functions settings of vector control should be pre-defined. If Enc Test, Tr and control mode are set to vector control,
Sub-B or Sub-D board should be mounted.
Parameter Name Code Description
Auto-tuning FU2-40
No, All, Rs+Lsigma, Enc Test, Tr
Parameter value
FU2-41 ~ 44
Tuned value monitoring
(no-load current, stator/rotor resistance, leakage
inductance, rotor filter time constant)