Chapter 6 - Parameter description [FU1]
the motor has overheated. It trips in one minute when
150% of rated motor current established in FU2-33 flows
for one minute.
Note: The set value is the percentage of FU2-33 [Rated
Motor Current].
This is the current at which the motor can run continuously.
Generally, this value is set to ‘100%’ and which means the
rated motor current set in FU2-33. This value must be set
less than FU1-52 [ETH 1min].
Note: The set value is the percentage of FU2-33 [Rated
Motor Current].
[Motor i
t Characteristic Curve]
To make the ETH function (Motor i
t) work correctly, the
motor cooling method must be selected correctly according
to the motor.
[Self-cool] is a motor that has a cooling fan connected
directly to the shaft of the motor. Cooling effects of a self-
cooled motor decrease when a motor is running at low
speeds. The motor current is derated as the motor speed
[Forced-cool] is a motor that uses a separate motor to
power a cooling fan. As the motor speed changes, the
cooling effects doe not change.
[Load Current Derating Curve]
Note: Despite the motor current changing frequently due to
load fluctuation or acceleration and deceleration, the
inverter calculates the i
t and accumulates the value to
protect the motor.
FU1-54: Overload Warning Level
FU1-55: Overload Warning Time
The inverter generates an alarm signal when the output
current has reached the FU1-54 [Overload Warning Level]
for the FU1-55 [Overload Warning Time]. The alarm signal
persists for the FU1-55 even if the current has become the
level below the FU1-54.
Multi-function output terminal (AXA-AXC) is used as the
alarm signal output. To output the alarm signal, set I/O 44
[Multifunction Auxiliary Contact Output] to ‘OL’.
Note: Inverter is not tripped by this function.
☞ Note: The set value is the percentage of FU2-33 [Rated
ETH cont
52 100 %
100 52
Factory Default: 100 % 100
Load Current [%]
Trip Time
[ETH 1min]
1 minute
[ETH cont]
Motor type
53 Self-cool
0 53
Factory Default: Self-cool 0
Output Current
20Hz 60Hz
Related Functions: FU2-33 [Rated Motor Current]
OL level
54 150 %
150 54
Factory Default: 150 % 150
OL time
55 10.0 sec
10.0 55
Factory Default: 10.0 sec 10.0