Chapter 6 - Parameter Description [APP]
count time for Auto Change is depend on Auto Change
Mode (APP-26). In mode ‘0’, inverter starts counting only
when auxiliary motor is running. In mode ‘1’ or ‘2’, inverter
starts counting when any motor is running including main
APP-29: Inter-Lock Selection
By setting this code to ‘Yes’, the multi-function input
terminals (P1 ~ P4) are used as auxiliary motor operating
condition of RLY1, RLY2, RLY3, and AUX. The multi-
function input terminal should be turned on to run the
corresponding auxiliary motor. If running with any multi-
function input terminal open with this function, the inverter
starts motors except the corresponding motor. If multi-
function input happens to be turned off during motor
running, the inverter stops all running motors and restarts
running with only normal motors except the subject motor.
By setting this parameter to ‘Yes’, the multi-function input
terminals (P1~P4) are set to ‘Interlock1’ through
‘Interlock4’ automatically.
Note: P1 through P4 cannot be used for other purpose it
this code is set to ‘Yes’.
APP-30: Actual Value Display
This code displays the value using on PID controller in
APP-31: Actual Value Display in Percentage
This code displays the value using on PID controller in
APP-32: Draw Mode Selection
This code sets the signal input to use for Draw operation.
The main reference frequency is set in DRV-04. This
parameter should be set to a signal that is not selected in
APP-33: Draw Size Setting
This code sets the frequency bandwidth during Draw
operation. For example, when Reference Frequency
(DRV-00) is set to ‘30Hz’, Draw Mode (APP-32) to
‘V1_Draw’ and Draw Size (APP-33) to ‘10%’, the
frequency difference during Draw operation is between 27
Hz and 33Hz. The following figure shows the block
diagram for Draw and Override operation.
29 --- No ---
0 29
Factory Default: No 0
Related Functions: I/O-12 to I/O-14 [Multi-Function Input]
EXT-02 to EXT-04 [Multi-Function Input]
APP►Actual Value
30 0.00 Hz
0.00 30
Factory Default: 0.00 Hz 0.00
APP►Actual Perc
31 0 %
0 31
Factory Default: 0 % 0
APP►Draw Mode
32 None
0 32
Factory Default: None 0
APP►Draw Perc
33 100 %
100 33
Factory Default: 100% 100