Chapter 6 - Parameter Description [APP]
Sets the acceleration and deceleration time for traverse
The ‘Trv Acc’ terminal set in EXT-30 to EXT-32 is ON
during traverse acceleration time. (Open Collector Output)
☞ The ‘Trv Dec’ terminal set in EXT-30 to EXT-32 is ON
during traverse deceleration time. (Open Collector Output)
APP-04 and APP-05 should be set to a value less than
APP-03. If not, traverse control does not accomplished
APP-06: Traverse Offset (Hi) Setting
APP-07: Traverse Offset (Lo) Setting
This code makes positive offset during traverse operation
by multi-function input terminal. When the ‘Trv Off Hi’
terminal is ON, the offset frequency is added to the
reference frequency. To use this function, set a terminal
out of multi-function input terminals (P1, P2, P3) to ‘Trv Off
Hi’ in I/O-12 ~ I/O-14. The offset value is determined by,
Trv. Off Hi Frequency =(Reference Frequency * Trv. Off
This code makes negative offset during traverse operation
by multi-function input terminal. When the ‘Trv Off Lo’
terminal is ON, the offset frequency is subtracted from the
reference frequency. To use this function, set a terminal
out of multi-function input terminals (P1, P2, P3) to ‘Trv Off
Lo’ in I/O-12 ~ I/O-14. The offset value is determined by,
Trv. Off Lo Frequency =(Reference Frequency * Trv. Off
APP-08: Running Auxiliary Motor Number Display
This code shows how many auxiliary motors are running
by MMC control.
APP-09: Starting Auxiliary Motor Selection
This code sets the starting auxiliary motor for MMC control.
APP-10: Operation Time Display on Auto Change
This code displays the operation time after Auto Change is
APP-11: Start Frequency of Aux. Motor 1
APP-12: Start Frequency of Aux. Motor 2
APP-13: Start Frequency of Aux. Motor 3
APP-14: Start Frequency of Aux. Motor 4
APP► Trv Off Hi
06 0.0 %
0.0 06
Factory Default: 0.0 % 0.0
APP► Trv Off Lo
07 0.0 %
0.0 07
Factory Default: 0.0 % 0.0
APP►Aux Mot Run
08 0
0 08
Factory Default: 0 0
APP►Starting Aux
09 1
1 09
Factory Default: 1 1
APP►Auto Op Time
10 00:00
00:00 10
Factory Default: 00:00 00:00
APP►Start freq1
11 49.99 Hz
49.99 11
Factory Default: 49.99 Hz 49.99
APP►Start freq2
12 49.99 Hz
49.99 12
Factory Default: 49.99 Hz 49.99