Printer Configuration
Loading the PostScript Error Handler
Error Handler is a diagnostic tool that identifies PostScript errors
encountered during a print job.
This submenu allows you to allocate the printer’s memory (RAM)
among the various memory clients. The flexibility of defining memory
available to clients allows experienced users to optimize the printer's
performance according to a given set of conditions.
This section briefly describes each of the memory submenus and the
memory clients. See chapter 5, “Additional Technical Information,” for
more detailed information on the printer’s memory and what benefits,
if any, may result from adding memory to each client.
To find out how memory is currently allocated, print a status page
using the Print Status button on the control panel or check each client
individually in the configuration menu.
Administration/Startup Options/Do Error Handler
Yes—Load the Error Handler at power on.
No—Don’t load the Error Handler.
You must restart the printer before this change will
take effect.
Refer to the
PostScript Language Reference Manual
(Adobe Systems Incorporated, Reading, PA:
Addison-Wesley, 1990, ISBN 0-201-18127-4) for
more information on PostScript errors.