Sources of
QMS Customer Support
Through CompuServe, you ask general (non-technical) questions,
share information with other users, and access printing information
and programs. When you use CompuServe, type go qmsprint↵ to
go directly to the forum where QMS is located. The QMS library sec-
tion contains application notes, printer drivers, utilities, technical infor-
mation, and announcement files.
The QMS server provides access to technical reports, new product
announcements, a trade show schedule, and other general informa-
tion about QMS.
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can view the QMS
home page at http://www.qms.com/. The QMS ftp resource is
QMS Customer Response Center (CRC)
You can contact the QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) in three
different ways:
n Telephone—You can call the CRC at (334) 633-4500 (US)
Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–6:00 pm, Central Time.
» Note:
If you call for assistance, have the following information
ready so our technicians can help you more quickly:
þ Your phone number, fax number, and shipping address
þ A description of the problem
þ The printer model
þ The type of host computer you’re using
þ The type and version of operating system you’re using
þ The interface you’re using, and, if serial, the protocol (for
example, XON/XOFF)
þ The application and version you’re using