
Sources of
QMS Customer Support
Through CompuServe, you ask general (non-technical) questions,
share information with other users, and access printing information
and programs. When you use CompuServe, type go qmsprint to
go directly to the forum where QMS is located. The QMS library sec-
tion contains application notes, printer drivers, utilities, technical infor-
mation, and announcement files.
The QMS server provides access to technical reports, new product
announcements, a trade show schedule, and other general informa-
tion about QMS.
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can view the QMS
home page at http://www.qms.com/. The QMS ftp resource is
QMS Customer Response Center (CRC)
You can contact the QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) in three
different ways:
n Telephone—You can call the CRC at (334) 633-4500 (US)
Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–6:00 pm, Central Time.
» Note:
If you call for assistance, have the following information
ready so our technicians can help you more quickly:
þ Your phone number, fax number, and shipping address
þ A description of the problem
þ The printer model
þ The type of host computer you’re using
þ The type and version of operating system you’re using
þ The interface you’re using, and, if serial, the protocol (for
example, XON/XOFF)
þ The application and version you’re using