Operator Control
QMS 4060 Print System Reference4-30
» Note:
If you are connected to a network via TCP/IP, you have a
choice of using Crown accounting or the standard TCP/IP accounting
through your UNIX host software. See the TCP/IP Protocol Option
User’s Guide for more information on TCP/IP accounting.
As jobs are printed on your QMS printer, the system collects informa-
tion about different job parameters in relation to the jobs. When each
job completes, the printer stores an entry for the job in the Job
Accounting file(s).
Caution: Do not turn the printer off while the disk is being accessed.
Doing so may cause inconsistencies in the information stored.
Accounting Menu
The Accounting menu includes five submenus, allowing you to enable
or disable job accounting, allocate disk space when accounting is
enabled, reset accounting, store job accounting information in a sin-
gle job file or in multiple files, and copy the accounting information.
Job accounting information may be stored in a single file if it can be
retrieved via FTP on your host. Otherwise, the selected job account-
ing file should be spread into several files.
Setting the Accounting Mode
The Accounting Mode option enables or disables job accounting.
Choices are Enabled or Disabled with a default of Disabled. In order
for the accounting process to run on your system, you must enable
accounting via the in control panel or via remote console. When
accounting is disabled any files containing data remain untouched.
However, empty files are removed to save disk space.
Allocating Disk Space
The Operator Control/Accounting/Disk Space option allocates disk
space for job accounting files. The range of values is 51200 (50 KB)
to 10240 (10 MB) with a default value of 01024 KB (1 MB).