
QMS 4060 Print System Reference4-80
Manual Configuration Menu
The manual configuration menu allows you to finely adjust memory
clients to your particular printing needs.
Configuring Spooling
The K Mem for Spool, listed on the status page as Host Input, is the
total number of kilobytes of RAM allocated to all spooling buffers. This
memory client stores incoming data from the various interfaces until it
is processed and printed.
When the sum of the Min K Spool for all interfaces is less than K Mem
for Spool, memory is allocated as follows:
1 Interfaces with Min K Spool (in the Administration/Communica-
tions menu) value greater than zero receive their specified alloca-
2 The remaining memory in K Mem for Spool is allocated to Shared
Spooling Space. This can be seen in the Communications Set-
tings & Input Buffer Sizes area of the status page.
3 The Shared Spooling Space can be allocated to any of the com-
munication interfaces if the input jobs require more spooling
space. The limit to this is the amount of Host Input (K Mem for
Spool) shown on the status page.
Administration/Memory/Manual Config/K Mem for
This value must be greater than the sum of the Min K
Spool for all installed and enabled interfaces.The
maximum value listed depends on the amount of
memory installed.
If you change the K Mem for Spool value, the printer
automatically restarts after you save your changes
and exit from the configuration menu.