QMS 4060 Print System Reference5-2
This chapter provides additional technical information on memory
management, end job mode, the PS Protocol option, and HP-GL
color-to-grayscale conversion.
Printer-Host Communication
An interface is the point at which two elements connect so they can
work together. A printer-host interface is the way a printer connects to
and works with a host (a microcomputer, workstation, minicomputer,
mainframe computer, or network), and it involves both hardware and
software. The way your printer interfaces with a host depends on
many things, including computer type, computer ports available, inter-
face cabling, application software, printer emulations, and printer driv-
Simultaneous Interface Operation (SIO)
Simultaneous Interface Operation (SIO), a standard feature of QMS
Crown architecture, enables your QMS 4060 Print System to
communicate simultaneously with hosts through the parallel, optional
serial, Ethernet, and optional interface ports. In other words, SIO
allows you to have more than one host communicating with the printer
at one time.
ESP Technology
Emulation Sensing Processor (ESP) technology is another standard
feature of QMS Crown architecture. ESP technology, which works
with most popular commercially available applications, uses a form of
artificial intelligence to analyze incoming file data and select the
appropriate printer emulation (for example, PostScript emulation,