QMS 4060 Print System Reference4-14
Restoring the Factory Default Configuration
If you need to cancel all of the configuration changes you have made,
you can reset all of the configuration settings to their factory defaults.
Working with Custom Configurations
Saving a Default Custom Configuration
The printer must be restarted for changes to the
Keypad Language menu to take effect. You can either
let the printer restart automatically after you save the
change and exit from the Configuration menu, or you
can wait for the change to take effect the next time
you manually turn on the printer.
Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Restore Defaults
Purpose Allows you to cancel all of the configuration changes you’ve
made and reset all of the configuration settings to their factory
Choices Yes, No
Default No
Notes This process takes a few minutes to complete.
Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Save Defaults
Purpose Saves the current printer configuration as a custom default.
Choices Yes—Save the current configuration settings as a custom
No—Don’t save the current configuration settings as a custom
Default No
Notes You can save only one configuration; however, you can change
the saved configuration at any time.