Installing Patches and Applications
Installing OS Patches Required by Individual Applications
Chapter 8128
Installing OS Patches Required by Individual
If the operating system requires any new HP-UX patches, you can do the
• Determine the list of HP-UX patches prior to cold-install
• Obtain the newer HP-UX patches
• Get the HP-UX patch information
• Remove HP-UX patches, if necessary
• Add newer HP-UX patches, if necessary
• Keep up to date with the latest critical patches
Determining the List of Previous HP-UX patches
New or replacement patches may be required as dependencies for
application software installed on your system. Before removing a patch
or a patch bundle, determine the dependencies required by the installed
software. You can find this information in the release notes for the
products and the readme files for the patches. If necessary, you may have
to remove some installed software from your system.
Obtaining Newer HP-UX patches
To obtain newer patches, see the “HP-UX Patching Resources” on
page 126.
Getting HP-UX Patch Information
For information on individual patches in a patch bundle, use swlist (1M)
to list the readme attribute at the product level.
Start Task 1. From the depot, log in as root and enter the command:
/usr/sbin/swlist -s
-a readme