Software Distribution Media
HP-UX 11i v2 Always-Installed Software Bundles
Appendix D 171
HP-UX 11i v2 Always-Installed Software
In addition to the core software bundles installed in Table D-2, the
following software bundles are installed by operating environment (for
the latest version information, please see the Read Before Installing or
Updating to HP-UX 11i v2 DVD booklet):
The operating environments are represented as follows:
FOE Foundation Operating Environment
EOE Enterprise Operating Environment
MCOE Mission Critical Operating Environment
MTOE Minimum Technical Operating Environment
TCOE Technical Computing Operating Environment
Table D-3 HP-UX 11i v2 Always-Installed Software Bundles (by OE)
Description Bundle FOE EOE MCOE MTOE TCOE
3D Graphics
Development Kit and
Runtime Environment
(RTE) for OpenGL
B6836AA XX
Cluster Object
B8324BA X
Enterprise Cluster
Master (ECM) Toolkit
T1909BA X
GlancePlus Pak B3701AA XX
High Availability
(HA) Monitors
B5736DA XX
HP CIFS Client B8724AA XXX X
HP CIFS Server B8725AA XXX X