Software Distribution Media
HP-UX 11i v2 Operating Environments at a Glance
Appendix D166
Selectable Features
• See “HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation OE (FOE)” on page 163
HP-UX 11i v2 Mission Critical OE (MCOE)
The HP-UX 11i v2 Mission Critical Operating Environment (MCOE) is a
high-availability Operating Environment for HP servers. In addition to
the features found in the Foundation and Enterprise operating
environments, the Mission Critical OE includes the following features:
Always-Installed Features
• Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit
• MC/ServiceGuard NFS Toolkit
•Cluster Object Manager
• Workload Manager
• Workload Manager Toolkits
Default-Installed Features
• See “HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation OE (FOE)” on page 163
Selectable Features
• See “HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation OE (FOE)” on page 163
HP-UX 11i v2 Minimal Technical OE (MTOE)
The Minimal Technical Operating Environment (MTOE) is the smallest
and most fundamental OE that is defined specifically for HP
workstations. It exists to offer an HP-UX 11i v2 solution to the customer
who is interested in a low-cost HP Workstation and a correspondingly
basic Operating Environment. The Minimal Technical Operating
Environment is directed to the Workstation OEM market and to those
customers for whom the Technical Computing Operating Environment
(TCOE) is not a suitable solution.
The MTOE contains all the base functionality that is common to the
other four OEs, including the base 64-bit HP-UX Operating System,
network drivers, and some of the other always-installed features.
However, compared to the Technical Computing Operating
Environment, the set of additional features is greatly reduced.