Installing Patches and Applications
Installing OS Patches Required by Individual Applications
Chapter 8 129
2. From your system, enter the command:
/usr/sbin/swlist -l
-a readme
Removing HP-UX Patches
To remove any patches from your system, you must first determine
which patches are installed.
1. To display installed patches, enter the command:
/usr/sbin/swlist -l patch \*.\*,c=patch
2. To preview the removal analysis, enter the command:
/usr/sbin/swremove -p
3. You must interpret patch dependencies manually from the patch
documents, that is, the patch_name.txt files.
CAUTION In rare cases, you may have to remove a patch from your system.
Generally, a newer patch should just be installed over a superseded
patch. You should take extreme caution before ever removing a patch
from your system. Always check for patch dependencies before
attempting to remove any patch. The swremove will not do automatic
patch dependency checking for you like the swinstall command does.
Adding HP-UX Patches to a Software Depot or System
For help on adding patches see the Software Distributor Administration
Guide, which is available on the Instant Information CD and on the web:
General guidelines for patching HP-UX are provided in the HP-UX
Software Transition Kit:
The following instructions are a general review of installing patches; see
the “HP-UX Patching Resources” on page 126 for more information.
Start Task If you are already running an HP-UX 11i v2 system, you can run
swinstall interactively and see the contents of the depot online: