Choosing a Migration Path
Deciding Which Method to Use
Chapter 2 39
Alternate Cold-Install Methods
In addition to the procedures described in this chapter, you can
cold-install your system using the following methods:
• Install from Software Depots
Use Software Distributor commands to create depots containing OS,
OE, and other software bundles, then install from the depot using
Ignite-UX. For help with this method, see the swinstall (1M)
manpage and Software Distributor Administration Guide and
Ignite-UX Administration Guide.
• Install from Golden Images
If you need to install the same OS/OE and applications on many
systems in your network, use an Ignite-UX server as explained in the
Ignite-UX Administration Guide. With Ignite-UX, you can create a
single install image (golden image) containing OS/OE bundles,
application bundles, and patch bundles, then install the image on
multiple systems in your environment.
IMPORTANT Please note that if you are running an Ignite-UX server on HP-UX 11i v2
and have HP-UX Bastille enabled, then cold-installing a golden image
onto another system will require additional steps. For the latest
information, please see the following web site:
Using the HP-UX 11iv2 DVDs on an HP-UX 11iv1 (B.11.11) System
If you plan to read the HP-UX 11iv2 DVDs on an HP-UX 11iv1 system,
or cold-install HP-UX 11iv2 from a depot on an HP-UX 11iv1 system,
then you need to install the PHKL_28025 patch in order to read the DVDs.
The PHKL_28025 patch is in the GOLDBASE11i bundle as of June 2003,
which you can find on the Support Plus media for HP-UX 11iv1 or at the
following web site:
PHKL_28025 supersedes PHKL_25760.