
Cold-Installing HP-UX 11i v2
Cold-installing HP-UX 11i v2
Chapter 5 89
Step 15. At this point, you will need to answer a few questions before you can use
the system. The first is whether or not you plan to use the system on a
network. If you completed the pre-install data collection tables in
Appendix A, “Data Collection Tables,” on page 141, you have all the
information you need for set_parms, so answer Y for yes.
Step 16. Enter the basic network information that you collected in Appendix A,
“Data Collection Tables,” on page 141 on the screens that follow.
Step 17. Confirm your choices. Congratulations! You are now finished with the
install procedure and will be given the opportunity to log in to the system
as root.
Step 18. Log in to the system.
Step 19. After the cold-install, store the HP-UX DVDs in a safe place. You may
need them to install drivers or other software later.