Software Distribution Media
HP-UX 11i v2 Operating Environments at a Glance
Appendix D 163
• HP-UX 11i v2 Technical Computing Operating Environment
(TCOE) — Designed for both compute-intensive workstation and
server applications, this OE is an extra-cost package containing the
MTOE plus extensive graphics applications and Math Libraries.
This OE is bundled as HPUX11i-TCOE. For more details, see “HP-UX
11i v2 Technical Computing Operating Environment (TCOE)” on
page 168.
The following table details the supported operating environments for HP
Servers and Workstations.
The operating environments are represented as follows:
FOE Foundation Operating Environment
EOE Enterprise Operating Environment
MCOE Mission Critical Operating Environment
MTOE Minimum Technical Operating Environment
TCOE Technical Computing Operating Environment
HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation OE (FOE)
The HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation Operating Environment is the standard
OE from which the Enterprise OE and Mission Critical OE have been
derived by adding appropriate applications. The HP-UX 11i v2
Foundation OE includes the base 64-bit HP-UX operating system, plus
the following features:
Table D-1 Supported Operating Environments
HP Commercial Servers X X X X
HP Workstations
(and Technical Servers)
1. You can use TCOE on either workstations or compute-intensive
technical servers.