Environmental statement
Hewlett-Packard continuously improves the design processes
of its deskjet printers to minimize the negative impact on the
office environment and on the communities where printers
are manufactured, shipped, and used.
Reduction and elimination
Paper use: The printer's two-sided printing capability
reduces paper usage and the resulting demands on natural
resources. In addition, the
print cancel button allows the user
to save paper by quickly canceling a print job as needed.
Finally, this equipment is suitable for using recycled paper (in
accordance with EN 12281:2002).
Recycled paper: All paper documentation for this printer is
printed on recycled paper.
Ozone: Ozone-depleting chemicals such as CFCs have been
eliminated from Hewlett-Packard's manufacturing processes.
Design for recycling has been incorporated into this printer.
The number of materials has been kept to a minimum while
ensuring proper functionality and reliability. Dissimilar
materials have been designed to separate easily. Fasteners
and other connections are easy to locate, access, and remove
using common tools. High-priority parts have been designed
to gain access to quickly for efficient disassembly and repair.
Printer packaging: The packaging materials for this printer