
1. Red eye removal: Click On to remove or reduce red-eye
in the photograph.
2. Contrast enhancement: Adjust the contrast to your
preference. Click Automatic to allow the printer driver to
automatically balance the contrast.
3. Digital flash: Adjust the exposure in dark areas of photos
to bring out detail. Click Automatic to allow the printer
driver to automatically balance lightness and darkness.
4. SmartFocus: Enhance the image quality and clarity. Click
On to allow the printer driver to automatically sharpen
details in the image.
5. Sharpness: Adjust the image sharpness to your
preference. Click Automatic to allow the printer driver to
automatically set the level of sharpening for the image.
6. Smoothing: Soften an image. Click Automatic to allow
the printer driver to automatically set the level of
smoothing for the image.