Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs) 3-145
Check J/P8-8 for -12 Vdc.
Is the voltage -12 Vdc?
No: Replace the DC power supply unit, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Repair or replace connectors or wiring from P8-8 to P32-3, then turn to TAG 002: Check
& Problem Resolution.
Does the problem appear while using RS-232C communications?
No: The problem may be caused by the IGS board, signal interface board, host computer, or
host interface cable. Determine which of these are at fault, correct the problem, then turn
to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Continue.
Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord.
• Install a breakout box on the printer to confirm that the host interface cable works as outlined in
the table that follows.
• Reconnect all communication lines.
• Reconnect any external attachment option.
• Power-on-reset the printer.
• Run the failing job again.
Does your cable work as outlined in the Cable Reference Table above?
No: The problem appears to be related to the host computer or host interface cable. Correct
the problem, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: The problem may be caused by the IGS board, signal interface board, or outdated printer
software. Determine which of these is at fault, correct the problem, then turn to TAG 002:
Check & Problem Resolution.
Table 3-4. RS-232 Cable Reference Table
Host Computer Printer
Signal Pin # Directions Pin # Signal
FG 1 1 FG
SG 7 7 SG
TD2_<2TDData Out (status)
TD 2 < _ 3 RD Data In (CMD/Data)
RTS 4 _ < 4 RTS Optional; continuous positive volt-
age for host computers that require
a “printer present” indication.
CTS 5 < 5 CTS Must go to a positive voltage from
the host computer. It is only looked
at by the printer at power-on initial-
DSR 6 < _
DTR 20 _ 20 DTR Depends on printer soft configura-
tion option 15. DTR will always be a
positive voltage if set to “DTR High.”
DTR will change from a positive to a
negative voltage if set to “DTR Pac-
ing” and the buffer is full