8-6 Options
sor IPES signals the input control board that paper is present on the elevator. Photo-
sensor IULS signals the input control board that the upper limit for the paper supply
tray and paper stack has been reached.
7 With the paper supply tray all the way up and with no paper present on the slope tray
(indicated to the input control board by photosensor PES, located in the middle of the
paper path), the pick-up roller assembly motor (M2) will turn on and transport a piece
of paper to the slope tray.
8 When the paper in transported to the slope tray, note that the (SOL) solenoid (under
the slope tray) energizes.
Note: The solenoid causes contact with the printer’s paper present sensor.
9 By removing the piece of paper from the slope tray, photosensor PHS signals the input
control board to turn the pick-up motor (M2) on to replace the piece of paper that was
10 When the last sheet of paper has been fed from the paper supply tray to the slope tray,
the actuator arm of photosensor IPES falls through a hole in the paper supply tray.
This signals the input control board to turn the elevator motor (M1) on to move the
paper supply tray down. The paper supply tray will remain down until the paper
access door is reopened (more paper is loaded), then closed.
11 When the last sheet of paper has been removed from the slope tray, confirm that the
solenoid (SOL) de-energizes.
Prefeed Adjustment Procedure
This procedure should only be done if you are replacing the control board or experiencing
excessive paper jams.
1 Remove the side, top, and throat covers from the unit.
2 Disconnect J509.
3 Using the bench test procedure, feed paper to the slope assembly.
4 Set VR2 fully counter clockwise.
5 Adjust VR1 so that the paper feeds to 20 to 30 mm (approximately 1 inch) past the
bend of the slope assembly.
Figure 8-3. Slope Assembly Prefeed Adjustment