Manual Contents
xiv Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite
the board and control the program execution. You will build and
run the first example project using the VisualDSP++ debug and
data display tools.
• Chapter 2, “Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite to Investigate Per-
formance Factors” on page 2-1
Explores the memory hierarchy of the EZ-KIT Lite and measures
the ramifications of memory placement decisions. Demonstrates
the Blackfin processor core’s built-in voltage regulator and its abil-
ity to throttle the processor’s power consumption and clock rate at
run-time. The system services library (SSL), your API to the Black-
fin processor, also is introduced in this chapter.
• Chapter 3, “Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite Peripherals” on
page 3-1
Explores the peripheral interfaces and devices available on the
EZ-KIT Lite. Introduces the device driver software supplied with
VisualDSP++. You will use one of the supplied device drivers to
play an audio clip through the AD1980 audio codec on the
EZ-KIT Lite.
• Chapter 4,“Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite As A Mass Storage
Device” on page 4-1
Examines the USB and hard disk functionality. You will connect
the EZ-KIT Lite to your PC and have Windows use it as a remov-
able mass storage device.
• Chapter 5, “Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite Hard Disk and
LCD Screen” on page 5-1
Introduces the LCD panel driver of the SSL. You will copy a bit-
map file to the EZ-KIT Lite hard disk and display the file on the
LCD panel.