
Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite 1-3
Programming ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite with VisualDSP++
Starting VisualDSP++ and Connecting to
the EZ-KIT Lite
If you have not already done so, start VisualDSP++. Use the Windows
Start menu to launch the VisualDSP++ environment (also called the Inte-
grated Development and Debugging Environment or IDDE).
When VisualDSP++ first launches, it is disconnected from your EZ-KIT
Lite or any other kind of debugging session (Figure 1-1).
A VisualDSP++ debugging session consists of a session type and target
processor. There are three basic session types:
Figure 1-1. VisualDSP++ Main Window