Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite 3-7
Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite Peripherals
Some device drivers use other drivers; for example, on the ADSP-BF548
EZ-KIT Lite, the AD1980 audio codec connects to the processor’s
SPORT0 interface for data transfers. The AD1980 device driver uses the
supplied SPORT driver for managing the data transfers rather than driv-
ing the SPORT itself, or requiring the application to do so.
Refer to the VisualDSP++ online help for more information about the
Example 4: Overview
This chapter’s example project (Example_4.dpj) uses the AD1980 audio
codec device driver to send a buffer of audio samples through the D/A
converter to the headphone socket.
The purpose of this example is to show how to use a data-transfer periph-
eral’s device driver. When built and run, the application initializes the
SSL, opens the AD1980 audio codec driver, configures the AD1980 hard-
ware, and sends a buffer of digital audio samples to the codec. The codec
converts the digital signals to analog form and plays back the signals
through the headphone/line out socket on the EZ-KIT Lite.
Navigate to the <install_path>\Blackfin\Examples\ADSP-BF548 EZ-Kit
Lite\Getting Started Examples\Example_4 directory and open the
project file
Example_4.dpj. The Project window lists all of the source files
included in the project. Open the Audio.c file by double clicking its