
Example 1: Building and Running an Application
1-6 Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite
3. On the Select Connection Type page, select EZ-KIT Lite. Click
4. On the Select Platform page, ensure that the selected platform is
ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite via Debug Agent. Specify your own
Session name for your session or accept the default name. Click
5. On the Finish page, check the presented information and click
Finish. VisualDSP++ creates the new session and connects to the
ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite. Once connected, the main window’s
title is changed to include the session name set in step 4.
Creating a particular session is a one-time job. VisualDSP++ records a ses-
sion’s details between runs and, by default, tries to reconnect to the
session that was in force when VisualDSP++ last ran. You can create more
than one session, possibly changing the connection type to Simulator or
Emulator. The Session menu allows you to swap between sessions as you
Examples in this manual assume that you are using an
ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite session.
Example 1: Building and Running an
Now it is time to start our first C program. “Example 1: Sorts.c File” on
page 1-9 is the C program we start in this chapter and develop in the fol-
lowing one. The program randomizes and sorts two arrays using classic
sorting algorithms: the bubble sort and the quick sort. If you are familiar
with the algorithms, you know that the quick sort, true to its name, is the
faster of the two algorithms (on average,
O(n log n) versus O(n