Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite 5-9
Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite Hard Disk and LCD Screen
Example 6: Application Structure
The structure of the example 6 application is straightforward; source file
Example_6.c contains main(), which:
• Calls functions to initialize the main components of the SSL, such
as the interrupt and device managers, and set up the services and
drivers for the specific devices (file system service, LCD display,
and an I/O flag for a push button)
• Calls a function to read a specific .bmp image file from the EZ-KIT
Lite hard disk and send the image data to the LCD to display
• Loops, checking once per second for a pushbutton event to termi-
nate the loop
• Calls functions to close down the device drivers and services
The two other major source files used in this project are located in the
Common folder, at the same level as the Example_6 folder. These files are
FileSystem.c and LCD.c
The file’s major function (InitFileSystem()) initializes and configures
the file system service. Note that this needs only the inclusion of the
appropriate header files, plus four function calls to:
1. Obtain identifier of the heap created for the FSS (see “Example 6:
Project Options” on page 5-4)
2. Create a delayed callback queue for the FSS