
Example 5: Running
4-6 Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite
Example 5: Running
To run Example_5.dpj you need a USB cable with an on-the-go mini-B
connector at one end and a series A connector at the other end. The
ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite is supplied with a 5-in-1 USB cable and suit-
able connectors. Plug the mini-B end of the cable into the socket marked
USB OTG on the EZ-KIT Lite and leave the other end unconnected. Build
and run the project. The message “USB Mass Storage Device ready to
be connected to PC” appears in the Console window of VisualDSP++.
Now connect the free end of the USB cable to a USB 2.0 socket on your
PC. The message
“USB Mass Storage Device is connected to PC”
appears in the Console window, indicating that the USB host Windows
software has recognized the EZ-KIT Lite as a mass storage device.
What happens next depends on how you have configured Windows to
react when a new USB device is plugged in. Windows may display a dialog
(see Figure 4-1), asking which of several actions to follow, or may display
a new Windows Explorer window with the contents of the new device
(that is, the EZ-KIT Lite hard disk). It is possible that Windows only dis-
plays the disk as a new entry in the Hard Disk Drives section of My
Supplies a USB peripheral serial number for the driver
to use
Describes the format of the data buffer that will be
supplied for device manager
Enables data transfers within device manager
Directs MSD driver to enable operation
End-of-table marker
Table 4-1. Example 5 Commands (Cont’d)
Configuration Command Description