Example 1: Building and Running an Application
1-8 Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite
Repeat this procedure to create a plot window for the
out_m variable
modifying steps 2 and 3 accordingly. Once the plot windows are created,
adjust them to comfortable sizes. Your plot windows look similar to those
in Figure 1-3.
Note that both line plots are flat at zero because the data arrays are
zero-initialized by VisualDSP++. We will see VisualDSP++ update the
windows as we step into the program. Issue the Debug–>Step Over com-
mand (or use the F10 hotkey) three times to highlight the call to the
bubble_sort() function as the next statement to execute. The two plot
windows show the random values to which the arrays are initialized.
Step Over again to observe that the out_b array is now sorted. Step Over
one more time to observe that out_m is also sorted.
Note that the example 1 project uses the debug configuration. The debug
configuration is one of the two configurations VisualDSP++ provides for
projects. You can create more configurations. A configuration is a set of
project build options, similar in concept to a makefile target. It is often
desirable to maintain different types of configurations for your system.
For example, while debugging you may want to include trace or other
You can add both plots to a single window. However, this is undesirable when two plots have the same
results, causing the plot lines to overwrite each other.
Figure 1-3. Plot Windows