General recommendations
The HP 780 Waste Ink Bottle is specifically designed to resist chemical interaction with waste ink. Do
not use any other kind of container or bottle to collect the liquid. Consult your waste management
company to ensure you are following correct and safe procedures.
Do not dispose of materials via the sanitary sewer or drains. Hazardous waste disposal is regulated
by local, state and federal regulations.
Store the full bottle in an area that has been prepared for this purpose until it is emptied or removed
by a waste management company for disposal. Consult your local authorities about requirements or
for advice on storing hazardous waste.
The bottle is provided with an undetachable cap to close the bottle safely and securely to avoid spillage
when it is handled or transported.
Use disposable latex or Nitrile(R) safety gloves to handle or transport the bottle once full.
If you are emptying the HP supplied bottle into a larger container, use the container for this chemical
exclusively. Never mix this chemical with other chemicals in the same container. This represents a
serious safety hazard.
ENWW General recommendations 163
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